Saturday, July 17, 2010

13 months...

The change in McLleyton between 12 and 13 months has been a big one! Three days before his birthday he started he is just about running! He is very sturdy and very fast! He has also mastered the ability to climb. I've found him standing on the kitchen table more than once, up on his sisters bed, the couch, some pretty impressive feats, which he is definitely proud of! His vocabulary also continues to grow.. my favorite new word is "ro ro" (for Monreau), it's so cute! He also learned how to say "more" which is helpful! He makes a huge effort to communicate verbally and really he is NEVER quite. He babbles all day long. I really noticed how loud he is when I had my nephew Jacob (same age) for the weekend last week and he seemed so quite to me! It was fun to have the boys together and see how they are similar and yet so unique! 

McLleyton's personality is also starting to really come out. He is very out going! He loves to be silly and make us laugh! At the store he'll say "hi" to each person that looks his way and will give huge smiles! He can be a bit mischievous and at times will laugh when I discipline him :). In many ways, I feel like he is such a blend of Shae and Monreau's personalities. 

For me one of the most difficult ages is 12-18months. I can definitely tell we've entered it! In some ways it's fun because they are learning new things each day and starting to talk and respond to instructions. But, in other ways it's exhausting because of the pure repetitiveness of it! I can't seem to tell my sweet boy enough that the toilet is GROSS and not a place to play! He is convinced despite my best effort to teach him other wise that opening the DVD player and removing his sisters movie while they watch it is a fun idea! He has also learned how to open all the doors in our house, so no room is safe now :). Let the teaching and discipline begin! Each morning as I get him out of bed I say a simple prayer ... Lord, fill me with patience and let me be consistent :). It's all about that for the next few months! I am blessed! 

1 comment:

  1. They do seem SO MUCH older! What happened? Wish you were here -- we're missing you tons!
