Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Patrice...

Today is my neice Patrice's 3rd Birthday! She was so sweet and called me a few weeks ago to ask if Monreau could come to her party! This summer Patrice and Monreau started a friendship that I know will last a life time! They are two great little buddies! They are so much a like and they have so much fun together! We definitely wish TX could be closer! When I told Monreau this morning that today was Patrice's birthday, she cried because she was missing it!

So, Patrice... from your best MI buddy & cousin HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY !! Hope this year is filled with fun, laughter and trips to MI :) We love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the post!!! She is sick today and in bed, but I will show her and then we will call again.
