McLleyton Potty Training!
Wearing his favorite t-shirt with his favorite reading material... Sports Illustrated! You should see how excited he gets when "his magazine" comes each week! He truly is Matt's dream son :) (ok and mine... I love it :))
Well, it's calm and boring around our house, so we decided to add a little excitement and POTTY TRAIN :)!! The truth is that McLleyton decided about 2 months ago that he was ready to potty train, but I've been pushing it off, not wanting to do it right before having a new baby. But, I was feeling like I was holding him back, so we just went for it! We started last Thursday and overall he is doing great! I went with the same approach that I trained the girls with- once the undies go on, no turning back (except for nap/bed time). I gave him lots of drinks and just tried to get him to pee as much as possible. Day 1 and 2 he was about even on accidents/successes. My parents were gracious enough to let me do it at the cottage where there's tons of things to do outside, so we just stayed outside with a little potty for 4 days and went at it! Day 3 and 4 he did awesome! No accidents!! Today we ventured out to the gym, and errands and he stayed dry the whole time- going 2x while we were out! I was so impressed!! He seems to really be getting it. He still isn't telling me that often when he has to go, it's been more of me telling him to sit and try, but he is definitely making great progress! For just turning 2 in June I think he's doing awesome :)... hopefully we can just stay on top of it for the next week or two until we really have it down! Only having 1 in diapers will be great. It's amazing how much my sweet boy is growing up!!!!
Way to go McLleyton!