Thursday, September 8, 2011

4 kids!

Matt will often jokingly ask the kids "Where did you all come from? How did we get this many kids" :) They laugh and one of them will usually remind him "from God!" There is always a moment in each day when I look at these 4 and can't believe we've been given so much!! Life around here is busy, but great!! Shae is loving her first week of 1st grade, Monreau can't wait for preschool to start next week, McLleyton is potty trained and working on learning his letters, Stennson slept through the night for the 1st time ( 11 hours!!!) and he is "talking" so much now ... the kitchen floor needs to be mopped, I didn't quite get all the baskets of laundry put away, I find myself making "to do" lists in the middle of the night- yet rarely being able to cross anything off of them during the day :)... but someday my lists will be complete... for now it's the little moments that I love... like this picture and the way they each put their arms around each other without me asking... when McLleyton tells Stennson "you're my best friend"... when Monreau says at lunch "I miss Shaelyn, I hope she's having a great day" with 4 kids is amazing... I love this job!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So thankful you're able to enjoy and treasure those special little moments amidst all of the busyness. You're a wonderful Mom to four beautiful children. Love you!
