Tuesday, November 8, 2011

4 Months!

My sweet boy you are 4 months!! Amazing :) I love getting to celebrate each little milestone with you! I am so blessed to be your mom!

Here's what you're up to at 4 months....

You have affectionatly earned a few nick names- Stenn, Stenner, Stenner-Renner and perfect baby! :) My favorite is when McLleyton calls you Stenner-Remmer :) He really loves you!

You are still the same, sweet, content little boy we've fallen in love with for these past 4 months!

You are SO happy and smiley!

You are really good with your hands now. Sucking on your fingers, pulling toys into your month. It all seemed to click in the past two weeks and now you've got it down!

You love to talk and tell stories- especially to your daddy! When he's around you talk up a storm!

You teach me about grace! Your spirit is one of graciousness :). I am constantly setting you down or pushing your schedule to accommodate someone else's, yet you rarely voice an opinion on it. Instead you are patient, sweet and gracious with me- quickly offering a huge smile!

You just started playing in the Exasucer and you're doing great! You seem to enjoy it!

You're still not rolling over on a regular basis! :) You can get up on your elbow when your on your tummy, but thankfully you haven't figured it all out yet! So helpful for sleeping!

You still always sleep on your tummy!

You take 2 or 3 naps a day depending on our schedule. Your afternoon nap is always 2+ long! (If I don't have to wake you, you'll normally sleep 3 hours). It's the one nap I always make sure you get in your bed!

You're still a great night time sleeper! In bed around 7:30pm and up around 7-8am. You have been nursing around 4/5am the past week... I'm wondering if your growing... or if I should push you to sleep until the morning again? We'll see what you do next week!

You sleep with a paci and giraffe. You are not nearly as addicted to your paci as your sisters and brother were... sometimes I wonder if you're going to give it up all together.

You have outgrown most of your 3-6 month clothes and are now wearing 6-12 months and size 3 diapers!

You love Shaelyn... the other two... I think they'll grow on you :).

I'm sure there's more... but for now here's some of my favorite pictures of you my sweet boy! I daily feel so blessed to be your mom!

This picture make me laugh... I feel like he's thinking "Ahh, mom, do you realize I'm just sitting here and she's not even holding me?"

Nothing like those roles...

You love bath time!