Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Trick or Treat...

Happy Halloween :). Hope yours was warmer and dryer than ours!! We had a fun one, but it was definitely cold and wet! So, we kept our night short and simple, but the kids still had a great time! They loved planning their costumes and getting ready! Shaelyn and Monreau went as Mary and Laura from Little House on the Prairie (Shaelyn has read the books and they are in love with the show). McLleyton was a dinosaur and Stenn wore McLleyton's old monkey costume! 

No posing for pictures this year, Stennson is off....
 Doing life with cousins makes everything more fun!!
 Sweet Shae...
 Every bit of our life is more fun because of Monreau
 Such a big boy keeping up with everyone!!
 Bundled up!

 Snuggling afterwards... with candy goo still on his face!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jayne! They are looking SO big and so sweet in those costumes! Looks like fun...I love each one of them! Miss you guys.
