Monday, August 24, 2009

Almost September...

Where has summer gone and how are my kids growing up so quickly!?!? I think summer did take a temporary break to give us a few days of fall this week and I've been in awe of all the new things each child is learning! So that I don't forget :), here's a quick update and pictures (because McLleyton is looking so grown up!!!)

Shaelyn...learning her lowercase letters, GOLF :)- with her daddy (thanks to Uncle Trey who got McLleyton his 1st clubs- he's very good at sharing :)- and Shae LOVES it!! Drawing- she's all about drawing on blank paper right now - especially into rainbows and houses. Playing games- loves memory and bingo like games. Swimming- still can't get enough. Jump rope- attempting to learn, progress is slow (especially when you're four with size 1 shoes :). She's excited to start preschool next month!

Monreau...learning her colors, recognizing a few letters, has most of the alphabet down, and is pretty good with counting. It always amazes me how differently the 2nd learns and how hard she works to keep up with Shaelyn. They are now playing together really well and it's fun to see her imagination grow. She still gets out and now back in to her crib :). She LOVEs baby dolls, the doll house and playing "shopping"...and Diego. She is definitely my free spirit!

McLleyton...ROLLED OVER :) for the first time last night! He sounded pretty happy when I went to get him up this morning and he had rolled from his tummy to his back- I was so surprised. I called Matt to double check that he didn't roll him over before he went to the gym this morning. It may have been a fluke, we'll have to see. He'll be 3 months next week Wednesday. He is learning lots of new things- getting good with his hands, sucking on them all day long and attempting to pull toys into his mouth. He smiles all the time and is beginning to laugh. He is such a happy baby! His hair is coming in and he's definitely looking older! We are still enjoying the fact that he doesn't spit up :) this is such a blessing! He is also a great sleeper. He puts himself to sleep now without crying and is already attached to his little lovie- as soon as I give it to him he calms down and closes his eyes. At night he usually goes 8-10.5 hours! He is really starting to like Shaelyn and will now smile and talk to her- which makes her day! I think that he looks a lot like Shaelyn did as a baby. I'm in love with all his dimples and chub!

Check out this weeks pictures...
and McLleyton laughing at his daddy :) This picture makes me laugh!

Sweet smiles..

Friday night family movie popcorn and all :)

Off to golf with daddy.

Can you see my hair is growing?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Santa Barbara Trip...

We are home from an amazing weekend in Santa Barbara! We had an awesome time and McLleyton could not have been better! It was so much fun to catch up with old friends and meet new ones! It was a busy weekend and poor little McLleyton never got a nap in his bed, but he rolled with it and we had such a great little getaway! We let McLleyton stay on Eastern time, so each night when we went to dinner at 6pm (9est) he would go to sleep in his stroller and I really got to enjoy the time! That also meant he was awake at we'd stroll down to the beach and enjoy the sound of the waves and moon on the water! We had a babysitter stay with him for the wedding/reception and he did great!

The wedding was beautiful and the spirit of the night was such a gift to be apart of. The Parton family is amazing and we felt very blessed and encouraged by being with them! Thank you Laurie and Lindsay for such a wonderful time- we love you guys!! Sorry for the quick update.. here's a few pictures! (they are totally out of order- sorry!)

If you think of us please pray for Monreau. She's really sick with some nasty bug right now and is having a hard time kicking it. She was sick Tuesday morning when she woke up and it's been a bit of a rough week for her! I'm praying that the rest of us will be protected- especially McLleyton!

The boys having fun after rehearsal dinner

Rehearsal dinner- the view, people and place were amazing!

Cheers to Lindsay and Raan!

The reception was right on the ocean- amazing! So great to be with so many friends!

Loved the pre-dinner dancing!

Fun times!

McLleyton looking all handsome in his big boy clothes for rehearsal dinner!

We stopped back to check on McLleyton as he went down to bed!

Mc Loving his bath in the big tub :)

Downtown S.B

We had to document his first flight :) He was an all star flyer!

Monday, August 10, 2009

2 Month Check up...

McLleyton had his 2 month check up and he's a growing, happy boy! He weighed in at just under 14lbs and was 24 3/4 inches long. 100th percentile in height and 90th percentile in weight. (I guess being a non spitter is helping my little buddy out :)). The doctor was asking me if I was sure this was his 2 month check up and not his 4 month...because of his size and the way he smiles and babbles. He loves to talk and he was telling the doctor all about his life today- it was pretty cute! The doctor was also impressed that he has gone 10 (TEN!) hours the past 3 nights! He's been eating around 8:30/9 and sleeping until 7! Yes, sleep is a wonderful thing! He is also finding his hands and toys a lot more each day and is greatly improved at putting himself to sleep! Can you tell, I think he's a pretty sweet little boy? :)

My girls have caught a little summer flu there such a thing? They've had fevers and Monreau was sick throughout the night last night. They seem much improved already this morning, so I'm hoping it was just a 24 hour bug. I'm praying McLleyton will be protected.

Matt, McLleyton and I are head to Santa Barbara, CA this weekend. We're going to a friends wedding and enjoying a little getaway! I'm very much looking forward to it! The girls are staying with someone different each day and also looking forward to their adventures.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Play day...

The biggest adjustment in having 3 is just feeling pulled in so many directions all day long, so I attempted to take a day off from all house work and projects and the kids and I just had a play day at home! It was filled with any games they wanted to play! At one point I pulled out the camera to capture them giggling and for the next 10 minutes we played “try to get me” with the camera! Here’s a few cute ones from our day “off.” :) I am so grateful for these 3 amazing blessings!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

2 Months and 4 1/2!

McLleyton happy at 2 months!

"mommy, is it safe to leave me with you see the shiner on her head?"

Early morning pajama party!

Smiles for Shae Shae

Life at 41/ the Holland fair!

It's amazing how being second born you try things SO much earlier :).

Yesterday McLleyton was 2 months! Amazing, wonderful and sad all at the the same time!! The weeks are flying by! I tried to prepare myself that time would go by faster with him, but it still surprises me! He is no longer that tiny newborn! He weights 13 lbs 10 oz now and is wearing all 3-6 month clothes! He has these adorable roles and chubby cheeks his sisters just can't resist kissing! He is still sleeping great - eating at 8pm and then again at 4 or 5am and then 7 or 8am. His eating schedule is normally about...7am, 9:30am, 12:30pm, 3:30pm, 6pm,8pm- it seems to be working well, as this little boy LOVES to eat! He also continues to be a non spitter- which if you were around my girls you know what an awesome thing this is! They really never stopped spitting, so to have a child who doesn't need to wear bibs and doesn't require 10-20 minutes of burping time during each feeding is an amazing praise!! We are SO thankful!! I am madly in love with this sweet boy!

Yesterday was also a big day for Shaelyn ... who is now 4 1/2 :)! Very important at that age to have the 1/2 added on! She continues to be great helper and sweet soul! She is loving summer and can't get enough of the pool. (Hence the fact that her beautiful blond hair is now green...not a little green...but bright green!). Her swimming has come so far this summer! She can totally swim, dive to the bottom, hold her breath and swim under across the pool - she's doing great! She has loved all the cottage time and being with her cousins, I think she may have a little Lauren withdrawal when school starts back up!

Monreau is also enjoy summer. She keeps us entertained and laughing. She has such a different personality than Shaelyn and I can't imagine our family without her. She loves to entertain and make people laugh, but it's funny because she's naturally good at it. She doesn't have to work hard and she is very comfortable in her own ways. Even in the midst of getting in trouble... bring down a book to read at 10pm, coming to our room in the middle of the night, taking her diaper off by herself... (oh, the list could be long:)), she has this silly personality that at times can make it harder to discipline her (don't worry we still do :))...and then we laugh about it later. We're going to potty train later this month, that should be very interesting :).

Hope you're enjoying summer!!