Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Monday afternoons...

For the past few months (when we've been healthy) we've had a fun Monday afternoon routine. Shaelyn comes home from school around 3:30 and we hop right in the car and head to the gym. The girls have been taking tennis lessons from 4 to 5. They both love it and count the days until "Tennis." Overall they are both doing well. Monreau's class is for "4 to 5" year olds. I sort of snuck her in, (she turns 4 in May), mainly because she's not doing school this year and I thought it would be good for her to do something organized. She's definitely not my first born "rule follower" and she's shown that she's a little young a few times, but the smile on her face is worth it! She has the happiest spirit and maybe she's picked up a tiny bit of tennis :). Shaelyn loves it and concentrates to the fullest. She is out there listening and trying hard the entire time! Despite being the youngest in her class by quite a bit she's by far the tallest! :) During Tennis I do my best to occupy McLleyton who is full convinced he should be out on the court! When tennis is done we eat dinner we packed, "kind of like a picnic" according to Monreau :). Then Matt meets us and the kids play in the Kids zone while we work out and shower. Then I put the kids PJ's on and we head home and right to bed. It's been a good start to the week.

Here's a few pictures of the girls. Quality is not great because the light inside the courts is so funky...

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