In about 6 weeks McLleyton will be 2! Amazing! He is such a fun, sweet boy!
Here's what you're up to and into these days!
*You sleep from about 7pm to 7 or 8am.
*You nap for about 2 or 3 hours each day. From 12:30-2:30 or 3.
*You sleep with your blue lambie and paci. They are not allowed out of bed, so you're always happy to see them!
*You love to wrestle with daddy!
*You like to play with trucks.
*You LOVE sports and anything related.
*You like watching Sportscenter and games. You even have an odd interest in baseball (this is not from you mom or dad!)
*You love to play sports. Or attempt to. You know what each ball is for and concentrate on figuring out how to shoot a basketball, swing a golf club, kick a soccer ball etc.
*You would love to play with your sisters. Sometimes they allow it, but more often than not you are left out of their games. It definitely makes you sad! Good thing a little buddy is on the way!
*You are very outgoing and friendly. Today, someone introduced them self to me and you immediately stepped up to also shake their hand, you then replied "nice to meet you." :) They were impressed :).
*You love to be on the go! A day at home is very frustrating for you.
*You are so excited the weather is changing and we can finally be back outside.
*You love books and music.
*You are still into everything and crazy busy, but I feel like it may be slowing down a bit!
*You're listening and obeying better.
*Your verbal skills are great! You are talking in full sentences with a word or two missing here and there. It helps so much in decreasing frustration and it's amazing what a big part of our family you are! I love having you participate in conversations and hear what you're thinking about! You are one smart boy!
McLleyton we are so blessed by you! You energy and enthusiasm is the best! Life without you would be boring! You are such a joy and we are so thankful for you!
Here's a typical day in the life of McLleyton in pictures! This was a few weeks ago, but they were too good to pass up!
A few moments alone and you never know what he might get into! Today it was a marker and a bare leg :)
Later, playing with cars in the kitchen...