Friday, February 24, 2012

7 Months...

I better hurry or my sweet 7 month old will be 8 MONTHS!!! Ahhh :) I'm playing catch up!

At 7 months...

Not much is new :)

You are my slowest baby to move!! But, we are not complaining about that!

You are content to just be!

You sit and play and make no moves to start crawling! I am pretty sure you will not be crawling before 9 months!!

This week you started baby food! Yes, very late, but I finally got around to making it and you love it! You seem thrilled to have some flavor and have been enjoying all your veggies! You have also mastered your sippy cup! Such a big boy!

You are wearing 12-18 month and 18-24 month size clothes! About to outgrow your size 3 diapers! But, you have the smallest little feet! Clearly the Jonker gene missed you on that one :) They are super cute!

At the moment you hate to be alone! If you are left in a room alone you scream and scream like you're hurt. I know it's just a phase and we're ready for it to be done :).

You nurse 4x a day!

You take 2 naps. The morning one is sometimes missed or taken in your car seat. You afternoon one is usually from 1 to 3 or 4pm.

You are in bed by 7pm.

You are loved and adored!! You have 3 siblings constantly bringing you toys, entertaining you, kissing you and making you laugh (and occasionally cry :)).

We are so thankful for the sweet spirit you bring into our family!!

Seems like just yesterday!
The day you came home from the hospital...

At 2 weeks ...

And now at 23lbs :) and 7 months!!

Food is fun!

He sucks on his lower lip, just like Shae did!

Love how you cross your feet!
And you always have entertainment....

3 good helpers...
Silly ones!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you fixed it so we can read it . . . way to go staying up to date. I am so far behind it is sad.
