I decided to be brave and take the three kids down to Florida without Matt. My mom was going to be on the same flight, so I figured she could help me on and off the plane and we'd be good to go! We had a 6am flight out of Grand Rapids with a stop in Cincinnati and then a flight to West Palm beach due to arrive in at 11:15am. I figured it was 5 hours of a bit of torture and then a week of fun! Not a problem!
We woke the kids up at 4:30am arrived at the airport at 5am and took off on time! As we approached Cincinnati the pilot informed us that there was fog and we would be circling for a bit. We did this for a while and then he informed us we would be landing in Dayton to wait out the fog. So we landed there and enjoyed 2 1/2 lovely hours of sitting on the runway in a TINY, completely full airplane. To make it a little more enjoyable the airplanetoilet broke and was over flowing :). Yes, lovely! We then finally left Dayton and flew over toCincinnati. We had been told that the fog was so bad no flights had really left, so our plane to West Palm beach would be waiting for us. We got off and found out we were not quite so lucky ... we had missed it! By this point it was already 11:15am ...and Florida was still a long ways away! We were told to go to a gate where they were issuing new tickets. When we arrived the line was about 40 people long. I looked at my mom and told her I was going to take the kids and see if I could find someone who would have mercy on me :). I walked down the airport praying for the right person to ask. I picked a random counter and told him our story and politely begged him to get us there that day (we had been told we would not get in until the next day). He looked at me (strapped down with 4 carry on's and 3 kids under 4) and he did have mercy on me. He got me on a flight to Atlanta and then to West Palm Beach that day .... we were to arrive in at 8:50pm...just 15 hours after we started flying :). It meant we still had two more flights and another airport to conquer, but we would get there! I thanked him for his kindness and we headed off to feed the kids! We arrived at the gates a few hours later and boarded our plane ..it was only then that I realized the man who had mercy on me had put me and the kid in FIRST CLASS :). It seemed like the biggest gift! Everyone had space to lay down and take some much needed naps. While they slept I looked at my tickets for the next flight and realized were were also in first class on that flight. So, if you're a middle aged Delta work inCincinnati who reads random blogs...please know I was SO grateful :). I let the girls have Sprite (which we never do) and all the snacks they wanted! When we finally arrived in Florida 15 hours later they had lost our bags ...but we were there!
That night I called Matt and told him all the ups and downs of the day ...but I also told him how amazing our children were. I was so proud of them. They were absolutely amazing. They had the best spirits through the entire adventure. We learned a lot about how airplanes and airports work and as a mom I was deeply encouraged that maybe all the work I am pouring into them is sticking just a bit! :) I'm not sure that I need to experience another 15 hour travel day... but in a weird sort of way it was a gift of encouragement to me!
Thank you to my mom too ...who went along on that crazy ride with us ...bought us a yummy lunch ...and has taught me so much about being a mom! We are so blessed :).
Oh...and it didn't scare me away ... I'm taking the kids to Florida by myself again in April! It's so worth it :)

This picture is on our 4th and final flight... 14 hours into the day! :) They are hugging the Webkins that my mom bought them in the airport. Shaelyn named hers "airkitty" :). A small reward for some great behavior!

We had a very kind pilot on our plane that sat on the Dayton runway for nearly 3 hours and he came back and took the girls in the cockpit. He taught them all about each "button" and all about what the job of a pilot looks like. I think he might have broken a few post 9/11 rules...
but I was so grateful :)