Thursday, November 26, 2009

Florida...Thanksgiving 2009

This year for Thanksgiving we went to Florida. This is where I spent Thanksgiving for most of my childhood. My family has always met 5 other families there and so to share that with my children feels like a gift. This year was a little different because 3 of those 5 families could not be there, so it was by far the smallest group we've ever gone with, but the week was still wonderful! I took the kids down by myself (see another entry for those details took us 15 hours and 4 flights :)) and then Matt was able to come down on Wednesday and spend the rest of the week with us. This week is so unique because these are friends who now live in all different parts of the country, but when were back together this one week of the year it feels like we never left. I always leave this time feeling encouraged and blessed! The highlight of this week for me was getting time with Jared and Belen! The low was that McLleyton came down with his first "major" sickness which lead into an ear infection and a trip to the med center. It was not a trip for sleeping ...but I'll get those when I'm old :), but he was such a trooper and overall he did amazingly well! During this week he really learned how to sit up well and met some people who love him very much for the first time! Shaelyn and Monreau spent 80% of their week in the water and did a great job in our meetings and at adult dinners! It is fun to see them growing up and being apart of something that has meant so much in my life! 

So excited to be in Florida and ready to swim!

James is here! He got a lot of loving!

Swimming is a lot of work :)

McLleyton sitting improved so much during this week!

Shaelyn and Sophia performed a song for the group!

Aunt Belen and Monreau

Sweet smiles...even while he felt so sick!

Monreau in her favorite place...water!

McLleyton was great about just hanging out in his stroller watching everyone swim!

Shaelyn mastered the cannonball this week!

Daddy's here! The girls were so excited to see him!

Getting so big!


McLleyton laughing SO hard at Shaelyn while she fed him dinner. can break all the rules! Video before bed and eating in bed :)

The girls with Uncle Darren!

McLleyton, Matt, Belen and James

Shaelyn loved Ann-Marie and Caroline... I do too!

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