Thursday, July 22, 2010

3 kids and "Busy"...

Some days, I am still amazed that I have been blessed with 3 kids! When it's 7am and all three are in my bed, wide awake and hungry, I struggle with it a little (I am not a morning person :)), but for the rest of the day it makes me feel very content. Tired, exhausted, needed...but content!

I feel so blessed to have these three sweet kids and all the joy they fill my life with! I know that this is the busy season of life. When we run an errand it is rare to not have someone comment on how "busy" I am. It always seems a bit strange to me, because really I don't feel like three is that many :). But, I guess 5, 3 and 1 are busy! There are moments I realize this more than others...

The other day when we ran into Meijer to grab just a few things. We had finished our shopping and were back to our van, and I was just starting to begin the "load up process." As I did a guy pulled in and parked next to me. He gave me the "looks like fun" smile and headed in to the store. I then helped the girls work out a disagreement, buckled in McLleyton, helped Monreau find the toy that had dissapeared, help Monreau with her buckle, got Shae a drink of water, found McLleyton a paci, loaded the few bags of groceries we had into the van and as I was about to get in and go I noticed that the guy who had pulled in and parked next to me was already back and getting in his car! You know you have three kids when in the time it takes someone to get his beer for the weekend, you can just about get ready to leave a parking lot :). 

I also had a few people comment the other day on how busy I was when I took all three in to get shots. I take them about ever 6 weeks for a shot at the Health Department. I spread out the kids immunizations and only give them 1 shot per time. So, Monreau and McLleyton are behind schedule and Shaelyn is getting her kindergarten shots. Going to the Health Departments saves about $180/per shot because our Health Care doesn't cover them. Going there makes me crazy and makes me grateful! Crazy because it is scary how inefficient our government runs things. (that may be another post). But, I also feel grateful for how blessed we are! Anyways... the other day we went in and like each visit we had waited/filled out paper work for an hour and by the time we got back for shots the kids were ready to go. We always do it oldest to youngest. Shaelyn sits on my lap and as I'm holding her for the shot McLleyton discovers he can open the door and leave. Shaelyn cries, McLleyton runs!! I put her down and run down the hallway to catch him. By this point I'm already sweating :). Monreau's next. She doesn't cry, but again McLleyton has left the room. I catch him, sit down for his shot and he doesn't cry, but both of the girls start crying out of sympathy for him. It was just one of those moments where I just couldn't help but laugh :). This is the busy season ... I know it's going to be over long before I want it too! 


  1. Way to go "power-mom"--I always love your perspective.

  2. I feel busy with two. I wonder how I would ever manage three. And my best friend has 5, home schools, cooks every meal at home, does all the house cleaning and still has time for exercising before the kids get up and bible studies at night. I think about her and I don't feel so busy. You do a wonderful job and I love your dancing on the rug. Pete and I enjoy dancing to the hot dog song at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. By the way, love the pic of McLleyton singing into the mic.
