Another month has passed!
Stennson at 3 months...
You are still the worlds sweetest baby! You've affectionatly earned the nickname "pefect baby" as you are so sweet, patient, flexible, calm, smiley, and predictable!
Everything about you has captured my heart! We all love you so much!
You are sleeping awesome! Going to bed around 7:30 and sleeping until 5 or 6am ... then you go right back to bed and sleep until 8:30/9am for a grand total of 13 or 14 hours at night! :) It's the best when you sleep until 6am, because then I'm up and have time before I get Shaelyn ready for school!
You take 3 naps a day. Your afternoon one is always the longest...until I have to wake you up to run and get one of your sisters from school :(
A typical day you nurse at 6am,9am,12pm, 2:45 (you eat really fast before we run to school), 5:30pm, 7:30pm!
You are quick to smile and love to talk.
You are great in your car seat and will still easily take a nap in it if needed. (very helpful with our life!)
We thought that the red marks on your forehead were from your rough delivery, but now we are pretty sure they are another birthmark!
You love your daddy! You love to smile, talk to him and sing with him!
Shaelyn still adores you and you are very quick to smile for her now.
You are not rolling over yet, which is ok with me :). But, I'm sure you'll learn soon, because you're very strong on your tummy because you always sleep on your tummy.
You are battling your first little cold. You're handling it like a champ, but it makes me sad! I keep praying you'll be protected this winter, but it's going to be tricky with the girls both in school!!
We love you Stennson!!
As I looked through my pictures of the past week or so I realized I didn't take very many smiling ones :)- I'll have to get on that, because he is such a smiley little boy!!
3 months! You are getting to be a lot of fun!