Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The girls moved into a new bedroom this summer (the day before Stennson was born) that was a big part of our remodeling. It's been a slow process to decorate it and organize it. I just finished making a picture for their room that's a collage of 200+ pictures of the two of them together. Yes, that's a lot of pictures of being sisters :). But, really there are SO many fun moments! I loved doing it because it was a little trip back in history. It was fun to see through pictures their little relationship that has been growing for the past 4 years. They are great friends and have a lot of fun together! It also made me grateful for my own sisters ... and that I grew up with two and now I have 5!! I pray that my girls will love and value each other as much as I love and value my sisters!!

A quick glimpse of 4 years...

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