Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Grade!!!

Wow... it feels like this was yesterday :) and now she's in FIRST grade!! Amazing and a little difficult! She said as I tucked her in bed last night "I know I'm going to just love first grade mom!" with so much confidence and excitement in her voice! I was the one fighting back tears... just not so sure I want to give her up for 7 hours of every day! I know she'll do great and she loves to learn... but I sure am going to miss her like crazy!!
Shaelyn, we are so proud of you and the amazing little girl you are growing up to be!!
Saying goodbye to McLleyton (as he eats his breakfast) School starts at 8am! Yikes, that's early!
Monreau was so excited for her :)
Such a gift to go to school with COUSINS! Sophia and Shae are in the same class again this year!
Shaelyn with her teacher Mr. Steinbacher at their "Meet and Greet" a few weeks ago! I've heard SO many great things about him and was very impressed in our time with him!