Tuesday, December 28, 2010


We have the best of every world for Christmas! We get to do it all... Christmas with my family, Christmas for the just the 5 of us and Christmas with Matt's family! We are so blessed!

Christmas morning is reserved to just be the five of us! I love it! It's fun to be creating memories and traditions that the kids look forward to. They loved opening their stockings, then having birthday cake for breakfast and of course the gifts. It was a fun, relaxing morning.

For the afternoon and evening we are with Matt's family. We missed his sister this year, but had a great day! Their house is like a second home to our 3 and they love to be there. Grandpa and Grandma make it pretty easy on us :).

Starting the morning (at 7:30 :)) with stockings...

McLleyton (who's fever was gone :)) decided there was no need to open his stocking, he would just start the day off with the candy cane that was on top!
Our Birthday Cake for Jesus...

They LOVED giving each other the gifts they had picked out...
McLleyton got a few "Elmo" toys he thought were pretty great!
The kids picked this game out for Matt as one of "his" gifts :)
The girls got a few gifts to share this year! They are so great at that! One of the most exciting was the AG wheel chair!
McLleyton loved when a gift was for him... or really opening any ones gift!
The girls got my childhood doll house for Christmas. They thought it was pretty fun!

Off to Grandpa and Grandma's house for a fun afternoon....

Having fun with Daddy...

McLleyton loves his Grandpa!
A fun craft, completed already!

The day ended with the girls acting out and singing the Christmas story! It was so, so sweet! My favorite part of the day! Added bonus was Grandpa playing the wise men!
Monreau as Mary with "baby Jesus"

1 comment:

  1. Look like some great family mems! Love the blazer of McLleyton--too much! And Shae Shae is looking so grown up. You look so pretty too.
