Monday, June 15, 2009

Life with 3!!

McLleyton will be 2 weeks old tomorrow and we're adjusting to life with 3! In fact...I'm loving life with 3 :)! McLleyton is very sweet! He is very chill and so far really very easy! We are already on a very good schedule and he is doing great at night...and life with sleep is always better :). He's eating at about 10pm, 2:30am and either 5:30am or 6:30am! When we make it until 6:30 it's totally light out and really it seems like he's just getting up once. So far he's done awesome about staying awake after eating during the day, but has already learned that during the night we go right back to sleep! Can you tell I'm a proud mommy? :)

The girls are also adjusting well to the changes! It has really helped that they've been taken on a lot of special "dates" and we haven't been trapped at home too much! Shaelyn can't get enough of her brother and still showers him with attention. Monreau has all sorts of nick names for him ...her favorites being "buddy, my baby, brother, McLleyton Matthew...and even an occasional Tarzan" She never seems to bother having him around, but occasionally will get frustrated when I can't help her with something right away. Oh, life being two and the middle child :).

Thanks for checking in on us! Please also check in on our friends the Stones (in links) and keep praying for their beautiful son John!!!

Here's some pictures from life at home...

Just so sweet :)

Talking with Daddy while he washes my hair :)- McLleyton loves his bathes!

This is my sweet Monreau...oh the interesting things a 2 year old does while you're stuck breast feeding :). I was just about finished, so I told her to go get ready to take a walk outside :)- she came back SO proud of the fact that she had her Crocs on and happily announced that she wanted to wear "2 hats"! She constantly adds laughter to my day...I love her little personality!

He's already outgrown 2 does this happen so quickly?!

My sweet 3!

So proud to be a big sister!

Handsome in brown!


  1. What a cutie!!! Jared says he looks like Matt!

  2. i think this one might be your most handsome baby yet! :)
