Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's June!!!

It's June...which for us means this little one should arrive soon!! He or she seems pretty content in there and overall I haven't felt to anxious about being finished with the pregnancy...but now that it's June I'm getting ready! For all you girls who have done the pregnancy thing- my doctor update as of today is that I'm dilated to just about a 5, 90% and "the head is a low as it can go"...so it feels good to be half way done before I start and that hopefully things will go pretty quickly and on there own!! Thanks for your prayers!!

The other big news in our house is that as of a few weeks ago the girls are sharing a room! I can pretty much sum up this experience with one word...interesting!!! I think any time you move a just two year old into a big girl bed you're never quite sure how she'll react...but when you do it and add a playmate in the bed next to her, it's really interesting :). Shaelyn has been great! She is a rule follower and really does obey. Monreau...yeah, not so much!! We've been trying different routines to see what works best and the other night we had put Shaelyn to sleep first and then put Monreau in later. A little while had gone by and I was in my room and heard on the monitor Monreau saying "Shae Shae wake up, wake up Shae Shae", so I hustled down stairs and I found Monreau literally sitting right on top of Shaelyn, poking her and whispering for her to wake up! Shaelyn slept right through it :). Oh, the joy of having a little sister!

1 comment:

  1. Wow a 5 already!! You better book it to the hospital when those contractions start! : )
