Thursday, January 14, 2010

7 Months...

McLleyton is now 7 months and more fun than ever! He is becoming a little person! He is learning new things and interacting with our family so much more! I'm loving it! He has learned a few "tricks" and his sisters love getting him to perform! He is giving high fives, waving and he says "da da" when you ask him to. We're working on "so big" and clapping! :) I have two very good little teachers! He is still in the wonderful phase of being content just to sit. He has learned how to move a little bit more in the sitting position, but is still not close to crawling or showing too much interest in it. He has become much more interested in food the past week or two. He loves puffs now and is doing better with baby food, but I think if he had his choice we would just skip this phase and go right to the table food! It's hard to watch everyone else eat! He has learned how to pick up and drink his sippy all by himself, which is very helpful! Monreau is convinced he learned by watching her do it...she may just be right :)! It is so much fun seeing her be a big sister...she's a pretty good one! 

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