Tuesday, March 30, 2010

6 kids for a weekend...

This past weekend we had the pleasure of watching our two nieces and nephew for the weekend! We had six kids ages 8, 5, 5, 2, 9 months and 9 months! It was a fun, action filled three days! Jacob was just coming off a really bad cold and double ear infection, so I think adding a change of parents/surroundings was a little tough for him. He wasn't so sure he wanted his little cousin sharing his toys either :). But, it was fun to watch the boys interacting and to see the start of a life long friendship beginning. It's a gift to have a built in friend/cousin living right next door! 

The girls were amazing and had SO much fun together! Monreau has "caught up" in many ways and can now keep up with them. They are usually gracious enough to include her. We went for three days without having one fight! It's fun to see these four growing up! 

I had the best of intentions about taking a lot of pictures, but it didn't really seem to happen, but here's a few! :) 
The group... yes, Monreau is naked, she was in the middle of getting her pj's on :) 
Four friends!

Matt's ideal weekend :)... did I mention that my sister is taking our three while we go to Las Vegas next month! It's an even trade! 
We had a few "accidents" (that is marker on his face) over the weekend. A woman at Costco actually told us in an angry way that "we had too many children." I thought of my mom often :). 
Monreau all tuckered out after a few days of no naps :) 
She has three more weeks before we say goodbye to her paci. 

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