Monday, May 17, 2010

11 Months!!!

McLleyton is 11 Months!! He's learning new things every day and he definitely fills our home with a lot of smiles, giggles and now a few words!!! It's amazing to think that in just a couple of weeks we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday!! 

At 11 months you...

Have taken your first steps! Just a few and they were wobbly, but they were steps!! :)

Now have 5 teeth! You had 3 cut in on top on the same day! Overall you've done great with teething! 

You are down to nursing 2x a day! Morning and night time! During the day you eat 3 meals and usually 1 or 2 snacks. You just have water to drink in a sippy! 

Have a new word! "DOG" it's very clear and you use it for pretty much any animal! You love dogs from a far, but aren't so sure of them when they are at your level. (understandable :)). 

You are working hard to communicate verbally. It usually includes pointing to what you want us to see and then trying to "talk" about it. I can just tell you have the words in there, it will be fun to watch you learn them over the months to come! 

Books and pictures have become very interesting to you. You'll now sit and look at books by yourself. You especially like the animal books. To which you'll say "Dog, dog, dog" :). You also love it when I carry you around the house and let you look at the pictures on the walls. Especially when you find one of daddy! 

You are still taking two naps! A short morning nap and a little bit longer afternoon one. Occasionally if you sleep in you'll just take one in the middle of the day if we make afternoon plans.

You love playing in the play room with your sisters. In the morning you'll easily entertain yourself for an hour or two happily! But, if they leave to come upstairs you will immediately cry. It's amazing how you play by yourself, but how you like having them around you! 

When you play with your toy trucks you'll make sound effects. 

You still LOVE balls. It's you're other favorite word! Every where you go you'll find balls ... or shapes you think look like balls! You are great at playing catch and you love to do it.

You love to wrestle with daddy! 

You will offer kisses ... without me even asking now! :) Love that!

You are VERY much in need of your 2nd hair cut :) Daddy says we could just leave it and you could go with a "Justin Bieber" look! 

Laughing at daddy, right after you woke up from a nap!
Showing off your Justin Bieber look...

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