Monday, May 10, 2010

No More Paci's ...

As Monreau's 3rd birthday approached we continually reminded her that when she turned three she would have to give away her Paci's. Three is definitely too old to have a paci ... 2 1/2 is probably too old, but I knew that when we took them away she would pretty much be done napping, so I pushed it off as long as I could! But, she's three now, so the paci's are gone. We made a colorful package and "mailed" them to the hospital for a few newborn babies to receive. She happily participated in the making and even the mailing of the paci's ... but I knew she wouldn't be such a happy participant when bedtime came. The first night was as bad as I expected. She cried for a good two hours and then woke up in the middle of the night and cried for another hour. The second night was better, but she still woke up in the middle of the night looking for them. But, by the the third night she went to bed pretty well and hasn't woken up during the night since. Truthfully, she did SO, SO much better with giving them up than I ever expected. She was SO attached to them, but she surprised me and really let go of them pretty easily. Like I expected, she has not napped since we took them away and I have a feeling that besides a random one here or there my days of her napping regularly are gone. But, it feels good to be done with them. She is growing up :). I now have only one in diapers and only one with a paci ... the years of "baby land" are flying by!! 


  1. Congrats! That's a HUGE accomplishment!

  2. Monreau, I love your courage!

    Jayne, I love your creativity as a mom!
