Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Monreau...

Today, we celebrate Monreau's 3rd Birthday... here's a picture trip down memory lane...

Monreau Jillian Shatto    May 4, 2007   6lbs 8 oz (my tiny, little peanut) 
        (Her labor was a bit rough (on us both :)) as she was born in the wrong position. This is her about 2 hours after delievery and really she looks a lot better at this point. I couldn't bring myself to post the just born picture as she looked so brusied) 
Just 3 days later looking so much better :)
Monreau at 2 weeks
Monreau at 1 year
2 years
Happy 3rd Birthday! 

Dear Monreau,
Happy 3rd Birthday! Today we celebrate you! My sweet, joyful girl! You are the laughter in my days. You bring life to our house and personality to our family! You are confident, fun, sweet, silly and beautiful! 

This morning as I laid in bed snuggling with you and thinking back to the morning you were born, I felt humbled by all the Lord has blessed me with through you. You are His child, but for the time He has blessed my days with your joyful presence! You make me better. You challenge me to be a better mommy. To be creative in how I love you, my sweet middle child, and to think out of the box on how to "parent" you. Your carefree spirit and love for life is contagious and a gift!
I love how you love your sister and desire to be with her always. How you laugh and imagine together. How you allow her to be your big sister and to teach you new things, but also how your confident to try them your own way. I love to see your tender side with McLleyton and how you always want to be the first to tell him good morning. You can always make him smile! 

Monreau, you are beautiful. Yes, every mommy thinks that about their little girl and I do love your long, silky hair and your amazing smile, but even more than that I love your beautiful spirit. I pray that as you grow your spirit will always out shine your physical beauty.

Monreau, always know how deeply I love you. And as much as I love you, it will never compare to your heavenly Father. I pray that you'll come to see and know Jesus and understand how much He loves you. 

You have many gifts and talents ... I can already see them in you. I am so excited for the years ahead and to see how they will be used. But, today I cherish that you are just three. That the year ahead will still include learning your letters, counting, coloring, dancing in the kitchen, baking cookies and snuggling too early in the morning. There is nothing I love more in this world than being your mommy! Happy Birthday sweet girl! 

Love, Mommy


  1. Happy 3rd B-day! You are so beautiful and sweet Monreau!

  2. I love how you called her beautiful and not just physically. She is beautiful Jayne and happy birthday to your little girl. Ann Marie

  3. poppy and I love you!!!! our great granddaughter.

  4. AH! I can't believe I forgot to call--please forgive us. We totally talked about it at breakfast & then the day got the best of us. So sorry! We love Monreau and hope she had a great birthday!!!
