Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weekend with the Loftins...

My sister Jenn and her four came in to town for a long weekend and it was so great to be together! We had two wedding showers for our sister-to-be Kelly and a lot of cousin time! The kids loved being together and it was fun to see how much everyone has grown since Christmas! Jurrien is now an amazing reader, Meagan gave me some great hugs, Patrice and Monreau got along better and it was fun to see Darren and his patient, sweet personality! 

We spent part of the weekend out at the cottage. It was a lot of kids and a lot of fun! 

There will be a lot of biking at the Lake this year... 

Getting closer to walking ... 

I like this picture ... it's fun to have so many cousins! 

Laurie Parton also came into town! Always great to have her here!! We love the Partons
How many nieces and nephews can fit? Watching the Kentucky Derby. 
Trouble ... x's 3!!! It was so much fun to see the three boys together! It's amazing how much they have grown since last summer when we would lay them all under the gymini together! 

This chair is too small... 
There that one is better :)
Are you three trying to escape? 
Quick GO!! Yes the years ahead are going to be fun!!! 
McLleyton's first pronto pup :)
Laurie's too! 
We're excited the Loftins will be back in June! 


  1. you guys have such a sweet family. looks like lots of fun!!

  2. love the boys trying to escape!!!!

  3. Wow, the kids look so grown up. Craziness. Love this post and love seeing all those boys together. Too fun.
