Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New adventures...

I am loving the three different stages we are in! Shaelyn will start preschool next week, Monreau is my wild child and McLleyton is learning new things each day!

This week they all had a few firsts...
Shaelyn had preschool orientation and got to meet her teachers and see her classroom. She was SO excited about it and can't wait for her first day. One funny, little story from the night happened when one of her teachers came up and apologized to me for "confusing Shaelyn." She thought that Shaelyn was the older sibling of one of the kids in the class (because she is so tall), so she asked her if she was with her little brother or sister- to which Shaelyn answered she had both, but they had to stay home that night. The teacher then realized that she was a student :).
Shaelyn also got to do her first Lemonade stand! She had been asking to do one all summer, so with a few friends we had one out at the cottage! She loved it :).

Monreau...oh, sweet Monreau! She is an amazing 2 year old swimmer! She has always been crazy in the water, but this past week I finally took off her swim tube and let her go! She is doing great! She will "dive" off the step and kick and pull to me. She tries so hard and has no fear! The more she can be under the water the better. Shaelyn loves swimming under water through my legs, so after Monreau watched her a few times she decided she would like to do it too. So, sure enough she did! I would dunk her under and she would swim through and I'd turn around and catch her on the other side. She did it over and over again and loved every minute of it! I love her crazy spirit :).

McLleyton...the list is long! He still rolling over. Getting good with his hands. Sleeping through the night. Eating 7:30,11,2,5,7:30 and to bed :). Some nights he'll get up at 4am, but some nights he'll go right through. He loves to smile and is giggling! He really likes Shaelyn now and in the morning she'll lay on the floor with him and he'll talk and talk to her! This weekend he took his first swim (LOVED it!) and played in the exasaucer! He has moved into 6-12 month clothes and just keeps growing up way too quickly! He is such a good, happy baby...I'm so madly in love!!!

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