McLleyton had a big learning day last week! In one morning he learned how to sit up by himself and how to stand up in his crib! He was pretty proud of himself... and I was pretty surprised when I walked in to wake him up from his morning nap! He is also getting a lot closer to crawling. He still has a ways to go, but he is now getting around a room and trying a lot harder to get to an object that he wants! It is fun to watch him discover his world and learn!
Such a big boy! (If you're wondering where his crib is..yes, it is still in our closet. Monreau could not handle sharing a room with Shaelyn yet, but now that she is dropping her nap time they will move in together soon! I figure McLleyton will never know :))
Pretty excited he figured out how to get under the kids table!
Monreau thought it looked like fun too!