Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sitting and Standing...

McLleyton had a big learning day last week! In one morning he learned how to sit up by himself and how to stand up in his crib! He was pretty proud of himself... and I was pretty surprised when I walked in to wake him up from his morning nap! He is also getting a lot closer to crawling. He still has a ways to go, but he is now getting around a room and trying a lot harder to get to an object that he wants! It is fun to watch him discover his world and learn! 

Such a big boy! (If you're wondering where his crib is..yes, it is still in our closet. Monreau could not handle sharing a room with Shaelyn yet, but now that she is dropping her nap time they will move in together soon! I figure McLleyton will never know :)) 

Pretty excited he figured out how to get under the kids table! 

Monreau thought it looked like fun too! 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am so thankful that my girls get to go through life together. I love watching their relationship grow and seeing them becoming such good friends. They pretty much adore one another! Monreau is always trying to keep up with Shaelyn. She tries to play what she plays, talk like she talks and learn what she is learning. Shaelyn is usually gracious enough to let her tag right along and rarely ever will she ever not include her. Shaelyn thinks Monreau is "hilarious." Two of my favorite comments she made about Monreau this past week were "she's just so huggable mom, ever time I look at her I just want to hug her" ... and "mom, do you think Monreau is the funniest little girl that God ever made?" I know that as they go through life there will be moments when they struggle with how different they are, but it is my prayer that they will continue to see that by receiving different gifts and talents they make each other better ...and life a whole lot more fun!! There is nothing like a sister! 

Friday, January 22, 2010

No more naps...

"Naps are a wonderful thing" ... a classic quote from my dad! But, my sweet Monreau is beginning to give hers up! A sure sign she is closer to three now than two ... and she seems to be ready to go without them, however I am not so sure that I am! She has only been napping every other or every third day for the past three weeks now. Overall, she does very well without them and it really makes the bed time routine a lot easier because she's so tired, but I'm definitely losing my "me/get as much done as possible" time! :) My little girl is growing up! 

A few random pictures from this week...

PJ party! 
Early morning snuggles from Shaelyn!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Favorite picture...

This is one of my favorite pictures of the past few weeks! When I look at it all I can see is Matt! :) Everyone comments how much McLleyton looks like his daddy- at times I can see it, but other times I can't as much. However, when I snapped this picture while he played in the sink I could see exactly what everyone else sees...I just needed to see Matt's "excited face" :). I love it!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

7 Months...

McLleyton is now 7 months and more fun than ever! He is becoming a little person! He is learning new things and interacting with our family so much more! I'm loving it! He has learned a few "tricks" and his sisters love getting him to perform! He is giving high fives, waving and he says "da da" when you ask him to. We're working on "so big" and clapping! :) I have two very good little teachers! He is still in the wonderful phase of being content just to sit. He has learned how to move a little bit more in the sitting position, but is still not close to crawling or showing too much interest in it. He has become much more interested in food the past week or two. He loves puffs now and is doing better with baby food, but I think if he had his choice we would just skip this phase and go right to the table food! It's hard to watch everyone else eat! He has learned how to pick up and drink his sippy all by himself, which is very helpful! Monreau is convinced he learned by watching her do it...she may just be right :)! It is so much fun seeing her be a big sister...she's a pretty good one! 

2nd Haircut...

Monreau got her 2nd hair cut a few weeks ago and she did it herself! I know that nearly every child gives in to curiosity at some point and tries cutting their own hair. Two of my nieces have done it, the kids I nannied for tried it, so as a mom I was determined not to let it happen. I had talked with both of the girls several times about NEVER cutting their own hair and would mention it on and off when ever they were doing projects with scissors, I thought that I had covered all my bases and they got it... But, sometimes curiosity is just too great! So, one morning as we were trying to get out the door I had just finished putting Monreau's hair in a pony tail at the kitchen table and had walked away for maybe 20 seconds, when I looked back at her she had a kids scissors in her hand and was holding it against her head right in the middle of her hair. I immediately told her to put it down and asked her to come over to me. I didn't think there was any way she even had enough time to cut it, so I reminded her in a stern voice how we NEVER put a scissors by our hair etc...and then I looked up. To my GREAT sadness she had cut a big chunk out right in the middle. Her hair is so, so beautiful and LONG- inches longer than Shaelyn's.  So, sadly I walked her to the bathroom where I took out her pony tail and let all the hair that she had cut fall out. She knew I was upset and she cried as I pulled out the hair she had cut. It was enough to fill a lunch size Ziploc bag. Yes, I saved it for her baby book :). I can hide her "bald spot"  with a few different hair styles, but for now...and probably the next 6 months pony tails are out :(. Oh, life with Monreau...there is never a dull moment! 

Friday, January 1, 2010

Celebrating the New Year!

We had such a fun night being with friends and celebrating the end of 2009! It was a night filled with laughter, beer pong, Rockband, yummy food, drinks, gifts for the guys, games ... and no kids :). We have been blessed with wonderful friends and we are so thankful! I think 2010 is going to be a great year!

Jon, Rob and Rachel

Matt showing off his singing ability! :)

Rockband fun!

Game time fun!

Nate and Lisa

Wendy and Jeff

My parents were kind enough to take the girls out to the cottage for New Years Eve, so we drove out there the next morning and spent the next two days relaxing and enjoying the beautiful snow fall!

View out the back window at the Lake

I just loved this picture of Monreau and Poppy!