Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beauty and the Beast..

Last month my mom took the girls, my sister to be Kelly and I to see the Broadway show of Beauty and the Beast at the DeVos place downtown. It was a fun occasion to get dressed up and a new experience for the girls. They were a little hesitant at first and scared as they watch the prince "become a beast", but as the music began they relaxed and were totally enamored with the show! I am a "little" on the strict side when in comes to watching movies, so my girls have never seen any of the Disney movies. From books they knew the general story of Beauty and the Beast, but hadn't seen or heard the whole story. Well, they followed it well ... and for the past month they have been reenacting it! Both of them memorized lines from the show and they play "Beauty and the Beast" just about every day! The best part, 99% of the time Monreau will be Belle and Shae takes turns playing the role of Beast and Gaston :). I love listening to them re-create the story and to hear the little details they took away from the musical. My favorite is listening to the lines that Monreau picked up, which include "beast, you must learn on to love."  "act like a gentleman" "Gaston only can talk about himself"  "belle is it yes, or OH, YES" (Gaston asking Belle to marry him).  We have some Belle dresses that they wear and Shae has created a beast costume that is quite scary :). Nothing like watching and listening to their imaginations at work! 

A few pictures form the show (although not good ones :)). 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my neices and I connect on so many levels :) Having daughters must be fun. Precious moments to hold on to.
