Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday McLleyton!

Dear McLleyton,
Today is your first birthday! It seems like it was just a month or two ago that I
was SO pregnant and wanting so badly to know who you were. Then after two quick hours of labor you arrived. A boy. A beautiful little boy! Now we've had 365 wonderful days discovering the amazing gift we've been given in you! You are such a sweet boy. You are affectionate and love to snuggle. You have the best smile and your dimples still melt my heart each time, the same way they did the day you were born. You love your sisters and you watch them so intently. You are learning so much from them. (probably the good and the bad). You are observant and smart. You love your daddy.  You love to wrestle with him and play guitar. You look like your daddy! You are patient. 
Sometimes I wonder if this is in your nature or it has been forced upon you. Either way I think it will serve you well as you grow. You love to laugh. You are starting to walk. I love the way you will kiss me, when I fake sleep :). You are starting to talk and you try so hard to communicate all that you're thinking. I love the rare moments when I get you one on one and you giggle, like you understand it's a gift! Our family is so much better because we have you. You bring joy, laughter, balance, and the color blue :). McLleyton, you are a precious gift. Jesus loves you even more than I do. I pray we'll have MANY birthdays to celebrate. Tonight, I'll peak in on you as you sleep and cherish the way your hands are still chubby and how you wrap your lambie between you fingers. I am so grateful that the Lord has given me you! Happy 1st Birthday! I love you!

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